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Do you have information about a potential story? Don’t want to leave a paper trail? You can contact me securely using the form below.

How will information submitted via this form be used?

Any information shared via this form will be kept completely confidential. No one besides me will have access; I will not share responses with any other individual or entity. Unless you tell me otherwise, I will consider anything shared here to be "on background": information I learn will be kept anonymous and cannot attributed to any specific person. Any information shared about a specific company or workplace cannot be reported without corroboration from multiple sources.

How do I know this form is secure?

This form uses end-to-end encryption, which means your response would be encoded and unreadable if someone were to intercept it. Anything you type below will be encrypted at the browser level, so your answers are encoded before they are sent across the internet—even your internet service provider will not be able to read what you've written. There is only one way to read responses: in the backend of the secure account I've created. Only I will have access. That said, if your response contains sensitive material, it’s best that that you compose and send it from a device you own on a connection you know to be secure.

Are there other ways to get in touch?

Yes! If you prefer, you may also contact me securely by email at or by Signal?WhatsApp at 203 843 4055. If encrypted communication is not important to you, you may also text or phone me at that number. I’m happy to answer any questions about this process before you decide to share any additional insight or information. Or if you would like to get in touch about something that’s not sensitive, feel free to use the form on the contact page.

Thank you for your time!